Partner With Us in Support


First and foremost we trust that God will provide all our needs, but that being said we will not limit him as to how and when he provides that support, we understand that God can and does lay upon the hearts of his people to meet the needs of those in his service. 

If you would like to help support our ministry, you can do so in many ways.

First and most importantly, We need and covet your prayers. We cannot be successful without the prayers of God's people. If you would like a prayer card to use as a reminder, visit our contact page and ask that we send one out to you. We will do so gladly. 

This ministry runs  completely by faith off what God supplies. We trust God to make sure that all cost that are incurred are covered by His supply. Providing these services do come with regular costs. We trust that God will always meet the need but we also know that he will do so through the faithfulness of his people.


If you would like to send a one time gift, you can do so either by sending a Check made Payable to: Glen R Yeager Jr. to us at:

Its4Him Ministries

865 Sweatman Rd.

Duck Hill, MS 38925


Or you can use the PayPal button below:



If you feel led of the Lord to take us on for Monthly support, please let us know so that we can add you to our Mailing List, and you can use either of the above methods to send your support as well. Additionally, If you have Laptops, tablets or other computing hardware to feel could be of benefit to one of God's ministries, feel free to contact us and we can let you know if we have a need and how to best get it to us.

We thank you in advance for your Prayers and support, and Pray that through this we are able to further enable God's ministries to see Souls saved!